Interpersonal Violence: Collaborative Research with the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA)

For more than a decade, the Bureau of Business Research has collaborated with the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to develop an innovative stream of research to add economic impact analysis to interpersonal violence research. The BBR has teamed with IDVSA researchers from the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin and with policymakers who are working on ways of quantifying the myriad impacts of sexual assault and misconduct in the workplace and on the Texas economy. From studying the impacts of domestic violence and campus sexual assault to finding new ways of speeding resources to survivors, Bureau staff have contributed to several important studies in recent years, including a survey of sexual assault services providers across Texas that identified gaps in service availability.

Recent and Representative Publications

Resources for Texas Sexual Assault Survivors (2020)

Recording Victim Video Statements as Evidence to Advance Legal Outcomes in Family Violence Cases (ReVEAL) (2019)

Cultivating Learning and Safe Environments: An Empirical Study of Prevalence and Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Dating/Domestic Abuse and Violence, and Unwanted Sexual Contact (2017)

Campus Sexual Assaults are Economically Traumatic for Victims (2015)

Texas Statewide Sexual Assault Prevalence Study (2015)

Sexual Assault Needs Assessment in Texas: Documenting Existing Conditions and Striving Toward Preferred Outcomes (2012)

An Assessment of the Adult Entertainment Industry in Texas (2009)

Contact Dr. Matt Kammer-Kerwick, BBR Senior Research Scientist, for more information about this research area.

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